02 6332 1197
140A William St Bathurst


Worship 2 August 2020

Bathurst Uniting Church Worship 2 August 2020

Full Service

Copyright 2020

Physical Distance – Social Connection – Community Care

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Worship 26 July 2020

Bathurst Uniting Church Worship 26 July 2020

Full Service

Copyright July 26, 2020

Physical Distance – Social Connection – Community Care

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Worship 19 July 2020

Bathurst Uniting Church Worship 12 July 2020

Full Service

Sunday 19 July Copyright information

Physical Distance – Social Connection – Community Care

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Worship 12 July 2020

Bathurst Uniting Church Worship 12 July 2020

Full Service


Sunday 12 July Copyright information

Physical Distance – Social Connection – Community Care

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Worship 5 July 2020

Bathurst Uniting Church Worship 5 July 2020

Full Service



Physical Distance – Social Connection – Community Care

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Bathurst Uniting Church Newsletter – 5 July 2020

There will be no newsletter prepared next week – call it a short mid-winter break for the editor. It will be back the following week.

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Worship & Resources 28 June

Bathurst Uniting Church Worship 28 June 2020

Full Service


Copyright 28 June 2020

Physical Distance – Social Connection – Community Care

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